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16 Air Land Regiment Colour Patch

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16 Regiment RAA

16 Regiment RAA defends deployed forces and critical assets against air and surface to surface threats, and provides specialist cross-domain support across the spectrum of operations, in order to support the Joint Force and Whole of Government objectives.
When deployed, Force Elements from 16 Regiment are formed around a core of 110 or 111 Battery (or single independent troop from the relevant Battery). A scalable Regimental Command Post formed out of the Operations Support Battery and Regimental Headquarters will be constituted in order to support liaison, administration and planning. All elements are enabled by a multi-disciplined troop from CSS Battery. In the field, an Australian Army task-organised Air Defence Force element uses the call-sign ‘CONROD’. A separate and distinct role is that of the Battlefield Coordination Detachment / Ground Liaison Officers  within Ops Support Battery which support coordination between RAAF and Army outside of IAMD matters as directed by G33 (Air) within DLAND.


110 Battery RAA

As an Air Defence Battery, 110 Battery is tasked to defend the deployed Joint Force and critical assets against air and surface to surface threats using the National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System (NASAMS). This short range system utilises a number of launchers and sensor types controlled from multiple networked Fire Distribution Centres which facilitates effective engagement of massed missile or aircraft raids. The NASAMS system is also capable of supporting passive Force Protection through an integrated warn capability.


111 Battery RAA

As an Air Defence Battery, 111 Battery is tasked to defend the deployed Joint Force and critical assets against air and surface to surface threats. The Battery is currently equipped with the RBS 70  Very Short Range Air Defence missile system along with the Giraffe Agile Multi Beam (GAMB) Radar and the smaller Lightweight Multi Mode Radar (LMMR). All three of these systems are utilised together in order to detect and engage low altitude air threats in addition to providing passive force protection against indirect fires through a warn capability. 111 Battery will transition to NASAMS in mid/late 2024.


Combat Service Support Battery

Is responsible for provision of first and second line CSS, and coordination of third and fourth line sustainment, to Ground Based Air and Missile Defence elements of 16 Regiment. CSS Battery provides augmentation to an Air Defence Battery’s A1 echelon and deploys a CSS Troop as the Regiment’s A2 echelon. CSS Battery HQ will typically reinforce the Regimental Command Post by forming the S4 – Logistics Cell.


Operations Support Battery

Provides the Regimental Command Post for 16 Regiment RAA, enabling the command and management of multiple Australian and Coalition Air Defence Batteries when deployed as well as providing Air and Missile Defence planners to division and above when required. It also contains the Regiment’s specialist support capabilities, including RAAF Embeds, Signals, Intelligence and Battlefield Coordination Detachment / Ground Liaison Officers in addition to managing ongoing regimental training via the Regimental Training Centre.



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